Monday, December 27, 2010

If you are patient...

" If you are patient in one moment of anger you will escape a hundred days of sorrow "
~ Chinese Proverb

Man has no nature...

" Man has no nature. What he has is...history "
~ Jose Ortega y Gassett 1883 - 1955

Repeat the same sound fragment...

" Repeat the same sound fragment : it is not the same, it has become music "
~ Pierre Schaeffer

The heart does indeed...

" The heart does indeed have its own reasons which reason does not know "
~ Blaise Pascal 1623 - 1662

I would like to see...

" I would like to see a qualified negro as president of the U.S. b u t is suspect even if this were today possible the necessities of the office would shape his actions far more than his racial identity "
~ Ralph Ellison May 1958

Intellectual complexity is...

" Intellectual complexity is accompanied by emotional complexity, refinement of thought by refinement of feeling "
~ Anonymous

In the work...

" MA KA HANA KA ' IKE " ( In the work is the Knowledge)
~ Hawaiian Proverb

The Ultimate target is...

" The ultimate target is the human mind. It may be changed, it may be rendered impotent for expression or it may be extinguished, but it still remains the critical target. "
~ US operations in Vietnam

The Self Confidence of the...

" The Self Confidence of the warrior is not the Self Confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is only hooked to himself "
~ Anonymous

The work of Human art...

" The work of human art exists only for human eyes and human minds. The statue, the poem, the picture is a homeless, a ghost, a nothing till it takes life in Human joy. It is within Humanity, not outside it, that we must seek for the authority of art "
~ Laurence Binyon, Flight of the Dragon

The poetical nature has no Self...

" The poetical nature has no Self - it is everything and nothing ; it has no character - it enjoys light and shade. A poet has no identity - he is continually in for and filling some other body. "
~ Keates

Art produces something beyond...

" Art produces something beyond the form of things, though its importance lies in preserving the form of things. Poetry gives us thoughts beyond the domain of art. B u t is valued in that it exhibits the characteristics of art "
~ Anonymous

It is the man who is absorbed...

" It is the man who is absorbed in his work and in the perfection he seeks for it, who attracts us, just because he does not try to impress, just because he seems unconscious of spectators, and so by the power of beauty uplifts our hearts and enlarges our experiences "
~ Anonymous

The Core of the Human...

" The core of the human will remains the stronghold of personal Freedom "
Wilhelm Dilthey, Selected Works Vol. 1

Violence is power...

" Violence is power that oppresses and makes man unfree. Counter Violence is power that breaks the rod which enslaves, in order to make man free. Violence is power aimed at paralysis. Counter Violence is power aimed at making man free for experimentation "
A theology of Human Hope , Reuben Alves

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I do not opt for violence...

" I do not opt for violence, it is forced upon me. I have no other choice. If I opt for non-violence I am the accomplice of oppression, I take sides on behalf of the violence of the stake...
The Christian temptation is to have faith in a naive and ineffective non-violence "
IDOC International , May 1969 page 61 Valles Costa~